find us in the new york times

new york times feature, top talent

welcome back! sharing some of the latest from my world. as always, feel free to respond to this email if you have any feedback or questions for me, I’d love to hear from you.

founders hiring top talent

The next play community now has 5000+ talented people thinking about what’s next. If you are hiring for any roles, respond to this email — I have a new way to get in touch with folks that may be useful to you. happy to help!

we’re in the nytimes

my wife and I ended up on the front page of the New York Times to share how we use Notion together. here’s the template in case you’re interested. definitely did not expect all of this to happen by sharing our Notion set-up on Twitter a few weeks back. below is the full article:

next up is a template to organize weddings. that’s how we originally started to use Notion together. still working on it. I also shared a dating template.

next play events

We have next play gatherings coming up around the world, join us if you’re openly/secretly exploring what comes next (apply at

  • London (late June)

  • Paris (mid June)

  • Bangalore (late June)

  • Boston (mid June)

  • New York (late June)

  • Denver (late June)

  • Berlin (early July)

  • San Francisco (early July)

I'm personally hosting happy hours and dinners in New York and San Francisco in mid July for people openly/secretly exploring what comes next. Looking forward to it!

companies hiring

I’ve been sharing a bunch of curated lists of great companies who are hiring on Twitter and Linkedin. my most recent one was a list of repeat founders who sold their previous companies. that’s actually the thought process I used to join Spoke many years ago, which was eventually acquired by Okta. here’s the full list.

a few podcasts

I joined a few podcasts recently, here they are:

closing out

join me on twitter and linkedin

if you got enjoyed this newsletter, please share it with any friends, it would mean a lot to me! also, I’d love to hear any feedback you may have, feel free to reply directly to this email.